
Empowering Growth: Elevating Careers Through Learning & Development

Written by Nicole Lafayette | 09/10/2023

Discover how Hunters Furniture prioritises continuous employee growth and career satisfaction

Hunters Furniture is dedicated to fostering continuous learning and development opportunities for all employees. We understand that growth is a crucial aspect of career satisfaction and success. Therefore, we offer opportunities to identify areas for improvement.  

We encourage our team members to take ownership of their professional development, while providing support to help them achieve their goals. Our commitment to learning and development not only enhances individual skills but also contributes to our overall organisational success as we strive for excellence together.  

In this article, we’ll discuss psychological theory and how Hunters Furniture is striving to help foster a learning and development culture.  

Choosing the right training and development

How do employees engage in learning when their days are dominated by business-as-usual demands? When people learn new things, they tend to forget them. Hermann Ebbinghaus was a pioneering German psychologist known for his groundbreaking work on the psychology of memory. 

Ebbinghaus’s 19th century Forgetting Curve is still used today. In summary, Ebbinghaus highlighted five key arguments for his theory;

  • memories weaken over time,
  • the biggest drop in retention happens soon after learning
  • it’s easier to remember things that have meaning
  • the way something is presented affects learning
  • how you feel affects how well you remember.  

Today’s fast-moving business landscape calls for organisations and their people to adapt to changing circumstances rapidly, and to always be learning. Harvard Business Review

Hunters Furniture – The Champions  

In Q1, of 2023, our senior leadership team coined a concept to encourage learning and development. The Hunters Furniture Champions framework was born, and every employee had a say in what business subjects would be included.  

The success of training and development requires motivation. According to Positive Psychology, there are different regulators to motivation. Identified motivation and intrinsic motivation are both arguably the main drivers for the success of the Champions’ Channel. Identified motivation relates to personal values, while intrinsic motivation relates to interest, enjoyment and inherent satisfaction. 

What is the Hunters Furniture Champions’ Channel?

Simply, the Champions' Channel is a cross section of all Hunters Furniture business functions. From social media, to culture, wellbeing and mental health, to sustainability. The 18 channels provide everyone with an opportunity to learn and share ideas.  

In some channels, a subject matter expert leads the group. In other channels, individuals research topics to pass on knowledge to their group, or to the wider Hunters Furniture community. Recently, staff at both our London and Dagenham offices took part in an office yoga session (featured image).  

You may have heard the term ‘Learning in the flow of work’. That’s exactly the framework the Champions’ Channel is developed on – learning, practice, apply. Contextualising the learning and creating micro-learning experiences enable the champions to ‘learn in the flow’, without having to endure the pressures of time management.  

Channel leaders hold monthly or bi-monthly meetings to discuss events and training opportunities. Writing this article is born out of an opportunity to become a member of the social media, blogs and vlogs micro-community.   

Learning can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Our Champions' Channel is an example of where a small business community can learn new skills without having a negative impact on core business.

Thank you for visiting Hunters Furniture insights.  


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